An old friend...and two little girls

Tonight, Angela and I had the pleasure to have dinner with an old friend we had literally not seen in years. So much has changed since then in her life. She married a serviceman, had two kids, moved away from Memphis, moved back, bought a house, and found a small, rat of a dog named Juno.
We had a great time catching up and playing with her two, beautiful little girls. One who, when scared because I was pushing the swing too fast, decided the best way to make that stop was to simple roll off of the swing mid-flight. Truly awesome. Anyway, we left happy and tired. In fact, the girls wore me out so much that I slept in the car on the way home (I believe Angela drove).
When I woke up and walked into our house, I was hit with the sobering reality that she is a 24 year old mother of two whose husband is away for 6 month intervals with 1 month stints at home (or shorter). While raising her little girls, she also attends nursing school in the mornings and studies late at night when the girls are sleeping. I wonder how many military wives across our country share a similar story?
Whenever you read this please lift up my friend, her daughters and her husband in prayer. Also remember the thousands of other military wives and children, as well as their brave spouses serving our nation.
God is love,